Friday, May 2, 2014

Day 19: Grand Western Adventure (Con't)

Day 19 Thursday, May 30th (Con't)

Bandelier National Monument 
Adam checking out the bookstore, while I talk to the rangers and get a bearing on what we can see and do today.

Bandelier Visitor's Center

Getting ready to see the sites.

A few years ago, the area flooded. They had a You Tube video in the visitor's center showing the river raging through the parking lot.

Nana and her grandson, sharing secrets...

The rock is called Tuff, which is compressed volcanic ash. It made the rock easier to enlarge the holes in the cliff face where the ancestral pueblos Indians lived. 

Checking out the large Kiva, where important meetings took place. 

Some lived along the cliff walls, others lived in the open field beside the river. 

Heading up to the cliff dwellings.

Looking back toward the Kiva.

Cactus growing along the cliff.

So any building that had a ladder up to it, meant you could go up and inside to look around. 
Otherwise, keep off and leave no trace.

If you remember, my dad had his picture taken here at this very spot about 20 years ago when he and Mom visited the area.

After carving out or enlarging holes in the cliff face, the Indians would build 1 or 2 story building in front as well. The only entrance would be from the roof, which was accessible only by ladder. Thus adding a defense and protection to their homes.

The rooves were blackened by fires.
Plus it would keep the dirt from dropping into their dinner.

No kidding!

Look at the narrow path.

The Frey Trail where Natalie and I took the long way back to the campground.
Amazing vistas!

Carvings of dogs, parrots, and lightning could be seen.

Here we could see the devastation of the flood.

Adam is heading up to the Alcove House, accessible by climbing three sets of 40 foot ladders!

Plus narrow steps.

Up we go!

The view from the top.

Nana stayed below.

Heading down was more terrifying than coming up.

 My dad, the trooper!

Later, that night, Natalie and Adam built a campfire for us to roast marshmallows.

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